घर समाचार RFID Fabric Tags Provide Visual Inventory Management

RFID Fabric Tags Provide Visual Inventory Management

  • August 15, 2024
RFID technology applied to fabric management is embedded in the RFID laundry tags for fabric, RFID tags for the information carrier, for hotel fabric laundry management to provide from the handover, tracking, life cycle and other process control.RFID batch scanning identification to make inventory efficient, saving time and labor costs; improve service quality; record customer information and laundry statistics, generate various types of reports, can be at any time Query and print information, RFID fabric tags provide visual inventory management.

In each piece of fabric sewing a button (or tag) electronic tags, electronic tags have a globally unique identification code, that is, each piece of fabric will have a unique management identification, until the fabric is scrapped (tags can be reused, but not more than the service life of the tag itself). In the whole fabric use and washing management, the use status and washing times of fabrics are automatically recorded by RFID reader. Supporting the batch reading of tags during the washing handover, it makes the washing task handover become simple and transparent, and reduces business disputes. At the same time, by tracking the number of washings, it can estimate the service life of the current fabrics for the user and provide predictive data for the procurement plan.

RFID washing tags are divided into flexible non-woven laundry tags, button washing tags, silicone washing tags and other multi-material tags, applicable to different fabric materials, washing temperature, washing methods. Wash labels have been widely used, at the same time, RFID UHF can effectively solve the handling management of laundry and inventory management, to a greater extent to help the control of fabrics, to achieve intelligent laundry management.

RFID washing management system use process
Data entry.
Through the implantation of RFID high-temperature washing series tags on the fabrics, the fabrics are given a globally unique code, so that the fabrics become “smart fabrics”, which can be monitored and traced throughout the entire life cycle and in each flow link.

Fabric Cleaning.
The fabrics are sorted manually and put into the conveyor belt, with which the fabrics will be transferred to the sling, which will drop the dirty fabrics into the main laundry cage for cleaning. After drying, the clean fabrics will be loaded into the white belt, folded by the machine and transported manually to the sorting area.

Fabric Count.
Each piece of fabric passes through each specific section equipped with read/write devices to read and write information quickly and in bulk, and upload the data to the cloud server. Textile soils sewn with RFID tags are packed directly. Quantities are automatically captured by RFID handhelds and the ID of each piece of dirt read is recorded. As the data is not manually counted, it improves efficiency on the one hand and brings convenience to the demand side to provide quality service.

RFID washing tags give the fabric clothing identity information, help identify the cleaning time of recorded items, cleaning requirements, customer information and cleaning frequency, reducing the error rate of the traditional manual operation time, greatly improving management efficiency. RFID technology to build the fabric management of fast clothing, sorting, fully automated inventory, pick up the clothes of the efficient work platform, will greatly enhance the efficiency of the management of the management of the fabric and management It will greatly improve the management efficiency and management ability of the cloth, reduce the error rate, reduce the operation cost, and realize the automation and refinement management.

The RFID electronic tag of the cloth and clothing can be faster and more efficient daily inventory management.RFID technology to the inventory quantity automatic reading and collecting, but also for the outsourcing of cleaning service enterprises in the data, the service to give great help.RFID in the clothing and clothing application, for the cleaning of the traceability management has brought the new optimization on the technology.

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